Ludzie nie dlatego
przestają się bawić, że się starzeją, lecz starzeją się, bo się przestają bawić. Mark Twain |
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Stowarzyszenie Akademia Pełni Życia
im. Joanny Boehnert ul. Władysława Łokietka 57A/39 31-279, Kraków Adres korespondencyjny, biuro i miejsce zajęć: ul. Rzeźnicza 2A 31-540, Kraków tel. 12 294 81 35 oraz 12 431 36 00 E-mail: BIURO AKADEMII CZYNNE: od poniedziałku do piątku w godz. 9.00 - 11.00 Zapraszamy! |
Realized projectsJanuary - December 2003 - the Information and Research Center: AGE-GENDER-Modern Technologies project We received subsidies for the project from the office of the government plenipotentiary for equal gender status. The objective of the project was to make people acquainted with the problem of age and gender discrimination, with a special focus on the positive and negative roles modern technology plays in the process. We designed a web page containing relevant information and conducted a survey on the attitude of middle-aged and elderly women towards the computer. The results of the survey were presented at a conference on the topic of the marginalization of middle-aged and elderly women in regard to computer technology.May-June 2003 - the "Seniors in Europe - Education for Integration" project This educational project was carried out within the EU project PHARE 2001 "INTEGRATION NOW". Its objective was to increase the participation of the Seniors in the process of the European integration. Within the project we:
August 1 - October 15, 2003 - a project called "The meaning of computer technologies in the rise of and the work against the marginalization of middle-aged and elderly women, both within the family and society" , subsidized by the Representation of the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Warsaw. The main event was a two-day seminar for the representatives of women's organizations and other institutions which are presently running or plan to run programs for middle-aged and elderly women. There were 55 participants from 38 various organizations and institutions present at the seminar. The program included lectures on:
October 15, 2003 - March 31, 2004 - the project "An Open Computer Room For Middle-Aged and Elderly Women", subsidized by the Information Center for Women's Environments OSKa in Warsaw. Within the project, we established an Open Computer Room where, free of charge and under the eye of an instructor or volunteer worker, one can:
February 1 - September 30, 2004 - an eight-month educational project called "Let's talk about Europe - the European Senior's Club" , realized within the Small Projects Facility 2002 program of the European Committee Representation in Poland. The project, concerned with the subject of Europe, was directed at pensioners from the region of Malopolska. It contained lectures, debates, workshops, computer classes combined with surfing the Internet, and language seminars referring to six leading topics, all focused on Poland's integration with the European Union. At the end of each month there was an entertainment event related to the topic of the month. Every month, during the workshops, the Seniors prepared a certain output (e.g. an information leaflet, a web page, a list of useful tips for Seniors). Within the project, we conducted: 12 editions of computer courses, 9 English conversation groups, and 4 editions of self-development training involving elements of assertiveness training. We organized: 6 lectures, 12 discussion meetings, 19 workshop sessions, a one-day trip to the Ojcow National Park and a European Picnic to sum up the project. With the Seniors' help, we designed and published: an information leaflet on the European integration, a list of the Poles' national features, 10 tips for Seniors telling them how to evaluate information, the plan of a tour of Cracow for Seniors visiting from abroad, and the design of the European Senior's Club web page. March 15 - September 15, 2004 the project called "The Seniors and the Information Society" , carried out within the EU program PHARE 2001 -"The development of civic society". Within the project, lectures were held on: information society; new lexical terms that refer to computer technology and are used by the media; new ways of presenting information; the practical use of the Internet; the influence of learning new things on the improvement of the memory and psychic condition. We organized: 20 editions of basic computer literacy training; 2 groups of discussion-and-training meetings for advanced learners; 2 groups of web page-designing classes, and 135 hours in the Open Computer Room for elderly people. We went out together to Internet cafés and the Seniors took part in creating the web page of our Association. We printed a folder leading into the issue of information society as well as a large number of information and training materials. September 15 - December 15, 2004 - the project called "I can know more - the Open Computer Room for Middle-Aged and Elderly Women" , subsidized by the Information Center for Women's Environments OKa in Warsaw. The objective of the project was: to broaden the participants' knowledge of modern information transfer techniques and the new possibilities resulting from e-communication, and to motivate middle-aged and elderly women to use computer technology. Within the project, we: worked in the Open Internet Workroom three times a week; organized a lecture and discussion on new ways of transferring information and the practical use of the Internet; conducted courses in the use of the Internet and electronic mail; ran a basic web-page designing course. The Open Computer Room was so popular that it became a part of the Association's regular activity. SENIORS ON-LINE This project was directed at senior-organization workers and those who simply wanted to be volunteer workers acting in support of elderly people. The project consisted of a series of theoretical training, different-level computer courses, workshops and discussion meetings, all having the major goal of getting Seniors acquainted with fund-raising techniques. The project was subsidized by the Netherlands Embassy. November 1, 2004 - February 28, 2005 - the "Seniors on-line" project , subsidized by the Canadian Embassy in Poland. This project was the first part of the above-mentioned project of the same name. Its objective was to make the possible ways of fund-raising in the contemporary political and economic conditions known to senior organization workers from the region of Malopolska. Within the project, we conducted theoretical training focused on finding the sources of subsidies for nongovernmental organizations and writing grant applications. We also organized relevant practical training and computer courses. LET'S DO IT TOGETHER - writing a computer literacy manual for Seniors. The main objective of this project was to create and test a basic computer literacy manual for middle-aged and elderly people, by working together with the Seniors themselves. The manual was supplemented with a set of exercises and some guidelines for the course instructors. The manual was printed in 1000 copies and sent to people and organizations concerned. Within the project, we held test computer courses and many meetings and discussions with more and less advanced Seniors, instructors, and specialists, in order to work out the final version of the manual. The projectwais subsidized from the EU program PHARE 2002 - "Strengthening the antidiscrimination policy". SENTENCED TO NEW TECHNOLOGIES. ACTIVE SENIORS IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY (2007)
The project's aim was to increase seniors' knowledge about new technologies and how to use them. This was achieved by organizing courses for future computer trainers for seniors (who are themselves seniors), basic computer classes for elderly and other activities.A happening was organized within the project (April 2007) - in order to draw people's attention to the problem of the marginalization of the elderly in the information society. Some of our slogans were:
WWW-GOLDEN-AGE (2004-2007) was an international Socrates-Grundtvig project involving: Finland, Spain, Hungary, Lithuania, Czech Republic and Poland web page of the project www-golden-age >>> Its main objective was sharing experience in getting Seniors acquainted with computer technology. The project included Senior and instructor meetings in various countries, as well as activities carried out via the Internet, such as chatting, keeping up e-mail correspondence, building a web page together. Our association is the coordinator of the project. The project was subsidized from the EU program Socrates-Grundtvig-2. The work on it lasted to August 2007. Gallery >>> Compromise in the job market - an innovative idea for making women professionally active We belonged to a large project within the joint initiative EQUAL called "Compromise in the job market - an innovative idea for making women professionally active". Within this partnership we organized communication training and computer training for women, and we created an Internet portal for the project. |