Ludzie nie dlatego
przestają się bawić, że się starzeją, lecz starzeją się, bo się przestają bawić. Mark Twain |
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Stowarzyszenie Akademia Pełni Życia
im. Joanny Boehnert ul. Władysława Łokietka 57A/39 31-279, Kraków Adres korespondencyjny, biuro i miejsce zajęć: ul. Rzeźnicza 2A 31-540, Kraków tel. 12 294 81 35 oraz 12 431 36 00 E-mail: BIURO AKADEMII CZYNNE: od poniedziałku do piątku w godz. 9.00 - 11.00 Zapraszamy! |
Polish Easter CustomsHalina PudełekThe Holy Weak, Easter and Easter Monday are time connected both with the church ceremonies and folk customs as well. They begins with the Holy Wednesday "judashky". On the Ash Wednesday matters were settled with an effigy that was a symbol of a winter and a death as well. The effigy was thrown down into a river or a pool. Judah olso was made. It was a fright made of rags fulled with strow . Thirty little glasses were fixed to it on the memory of the payment that Judah was giwen for his betray. The effigy was thrown down of a church tower and then dragged along the streets on a rope and bitted with a stick and finally the remains of the effigy water absorbed. Young people frilicked on Holy Sameday the other way yet - they let a cat down of the choir in a pot with ash and then they chased the poor creature and when after the special Easter Mess the priests bit a breviaries against the banks while psalms were reading, the sacristians blew the candles aut - the young people bit with sticks everywhere. On the Holy Thursday bells were silent in the churchs, but usually the wooden clappers were used. Young boys looked for the ocasion to make a much nois again. They built the special mashines on wheels: the planks rotating around a dragging block of wood that made an awful noise. The Passion is performed on the places representing the real Croos Road in Kalwaria zebrzydowska throughout all the Holy Week On the Holy Thursday twelve old men's feet were washed and then a supper was eaten with them. On the Holy Friday processions of whipping siners colled copers ( they were dressed in special covers like a cope) tended to churchs. One of them had a thorn crown on his head. This man carried a cross. On his arms there was a thick chain. He pretended to be Christ. He bended, fell, stood up and two copers which pretended to be the solders pushed him with the chain and bit him with broadswords. The Holy Friday - there were graves afterwords. The Cracow tradition made people to vizit seven graves at least. "The graves were made in different shapes and forms according to some story from the Scriptures -Old or New Testament." (after priest Kitowicz). One of the XVIIth century Warsaw graves was put together only of helmits, swords and shields and other militaries. The graves were garded by gards in memory of Pilatus' soldiers fullfiling the gard at Christ Grave. During the occupation graves became a symbol of the slavery of the nation, for example the grave in St Ann's church in Warsaw: charred beams, barbed wire, black cross and skinny, as if would be stolen from a concentration camp, the corpse of The Salvator. On the Holy Friday the brathers of the St Francis' fratenity dressed in linen bags raised funds for helping prisoners. The fraternity had a priviledge to obtain one prisoner by plaguing with his death. People planged in a mass in riwers, even riding into them on horses, because this bath was to protect people and animals of pustules. A herring was insulted this day. It was hanged on the wayside trees, because it tortured stomachs too long (people ate mostly herrings during fourty days long the Lent). On the Holy Saturday traditionally people kooked and baked and then theese meals were sacrified i.e. the priest blessed the meals and sprinkled it with consecrated water. Easter-Monday morning praying bells rang on Saturday midnight. Only in XVIIth century celebration of Resurection was moved on the Holy Sunday dawn. During the celebration bells rang, cannons, guns and pistols shoot. On the Holy Monday there was church fair in Zwierzyniec - the quarter of Cracow. This fair was connected with a folk games colled Emaus. This day boys and girls springled each other with water. On tusday after Easter "rekawka" take place in Cracow on the Krakus moud. It is supposed it is a relic of praslavonic funeral banquet or the remains of pagan fiest of buring winter and welcoming spring. During this celebration people gather on the moud and throw wegetables, fruits and eggs. These products wer e put together by pour people and eaten. Much of thes costoms are forgotten, but in the place of them new customs and celebration are created. Powrót do strony głównej projektu Powrót do Tekstów i prezentacji |